

The Viewpoints of Socialism Held by the Non-Mainstream Thinkers of the Frankfurt School and Their Contemporary Value
摘要 法兰克福学派非主流思想家通过考察现实社会主义或批判资本主义社会来诠释他们对"社会主义"的认识。早期边缘人物魏特夫聚焦于东方专制主义,认定共产党领导下的苏联和新中国是亚细亚的复辟。重要成员波洛克致力于政治经济学批判,主张民族社会主义即国家资本主义。诺伊曼针对波洛克的观点提出尖锐批判,声称民族社会主义即极权式垄断资本主义。他们的理论主张对法兰克福学派奠基人物霍克海默乃至整个学派批判理论的主题及其转型有着重要影响,也促使第一代和第二代代表人物调整了对苏联式社会主义和资本主义的理解方式,表达他们对超越资本主义和社会主义的"第三条道路"的期待,不同程度地论及他们对中国社会主义及其问题的认识。 By investigating the realistic socialism or critisizing the capitalism, the non-mainstream thinkers of the Frankfurt School interpret their understanding of 'socialism'. Early marginal figure Wittfogel focuses on the Eastern despotism, and regards the Soviet Union and New China under the leadership of the Communist Party as the Asiatic restoration. As a significant member, Pollock commits to the critique of po-litical economy, and claims that the national socialism is the state capitalism. Commenting on Pollock's viewpoint with sharp criticism, Neumann asserts the national socialism is the totalitarian monopoly capitalism. Their theories have an important impact on the founder of the Frankfurt School i.e.,Horkheimer and even the theme and its transformation of the Frankfurt School's critical theory, also prompt the first and the second-generation representatives to adjust the way of understanding the Soviet-style socialism and the capitalism and express their expectation of 'the third way' which transcends the capitalism and socialism, as well refer to their comprehension of Chinese socialism and its problems to different degrees.
机构地区 浙江师范大学
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期104-111,158-159,共8页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 2013年浙江省哲社规划课题(13NDJC022Z)的阶段性研究成果 国家留学基金资助(项目编号:留金法[2014]5050)
关键词 法兰克福学派 社会主义观 批判理论 Frankfurt School viewpoint of socialism critical theory
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