目的调查河南回族成人四肢骨量、骨密度与肢体长宽度的年龄变化及相关性。方法 2013年9月—2014年9月采用整群重点抽样法,选取河南省4个回族聚集区(南阳市方城县袁店回族乡、洛阳市躔河回族区、开封市顺河回族区、周口市淮阳县城关回族镇)回族成人1 144人,其中20~<30岁300人、30~<40岁159人、40~<50岁211人、50~<60岁214人、≥60岁260人。测量身高、体质量,计算体质指数(BMI),采用身体成分分析仪生物电阻抗法测定四肢骨量,采用超声骨密度仪测量跟骨骨密度,采用马丁测高仪、弯脚规测量全臂长、全腿长、肱骨内外髁间径、股骨内外髁间径。比较不同年龄段男性和女性各观察指标的差异,采用Pearson相关分析及线性回归分析男性和女性四肢骨量、骨密度与肢体长宽度的关系。结果河南回族成人1 144人身高145~182 cm、体质量41~92 kg、BMI 16.3~31.2 kg/m^2、四肢骨量1.52~3.54 kg、骨密度T值-2.62~0.12、骨密度Z值-2.07^-0.34、全臂长41~65 cm、全腿长58~93 cm、肱骨内外上髁间径4.72~8.16 cm、股骨内外上髁间径6.20~9.68 cm。河南回族成人男性与女性年龄、BMI比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);女性身高、体质量、四肢骨量、骨密度T值、骨密度Z值、全臂长、全腿长、肱骨内外上髁间径、股骨内外上髁间径均小于男性(P<0.05)。不同年龄段河南回族成人男性全臂长、肱骨内外上髁间径比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);身高、体质量、BMI、四肢骨量、骨密度T值、骨密度Z值、全腿长、股骨内外上髁间径比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同年龄段河南回族成人女性身高、体质量、BMI、四肢骨量、骨密度T值、骨密度Z值、全臂长、全腿长、肱骨内外上髁间径、股骨内外上髁间径比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。河南回族成人男性四肢骨量与年龄呈中度负相关(P<0.05),与身高、体质量、BMI、骨密度T值、骨密度Z值、全腿长、股骨内外上髁间径呈中度正相关(P<0.05);河南回族成人女性四肢骨量与年龄呈中度负相关(P<0.05),与体质量、BMI、骨密度T值、骨密度Z值、肱骨内外上髁间径呈中度正相关(P<0.05)。线性回归方程为:男性四肢骨量=1.269+0.024全臂长+0.018×肱骨内外上髁间径,男性四肢骨量=1.462+0.015全腿长+0.013×股骨内外上髁间径;女性四肢骨量=1.032+0.022全臂长+0.019×肱骨内外上髁间径,女性四肢骨量=1.240+0.012全腿长+0.019×股骨内外上髁间径。结论河南回族成人不同性别、不同年龄段四肢骨量、骨密度、肢体长宽度存在差异。四肢骨量与年龄、身高、体质量、BMI、骨密度、全臂长、全腿长、肱骨内外髁间径、股骨内外髁间径相关。
Objective To investigate the changes of limb bone mass,bone density and limb length and breadth with age in adult Hui people in Henan province and the correlation between them. Methods From September 2013 to September 2014,we enrolled 1 144 adult Hui people by cluster sampling method from 4 Hui gathering areas( Yuandian Hui Village of Fangcheng County in Nanyang City,Chanhe Hui District in Luoyang City,Shunhe Hui District in Kaifeng City,Chengguan Hui Town of Huaiyang County in Zhoukou City). Among the subjects,300 were aged 20 - 〈 30,159 were aged 30 - 〈 40,211 were aged 40 - 〈 50,214 were aged 50 - 〈 60 and 260 were aged ≥60. We measured height and body weight and calculated BMI,and determined limb bone mass by body composition analyzer and bioelectrical impedance analysis. Calcaneus bone density was measured by ultrasound bone densitometer,and full arm length,full leg length,diameter between internal and external epicondyles of humerus,diameter between internal and external epicondyle of femur were measured by anthropometer and spreading caliper. Comparison was made in observation indexes of males and females among different age groups. Correlation among limb bone mass,bone density and limb length and breadth was analyzed by correlation analysis and Pearson regression analysis. Results The height,body mass,BMI,limb bone mass,T value of bone density,Z value of bone density,full arm length,full leg length,diameter between internal and external epicondyles of humerus and diameter between internal and external epicondyles of femur of the 1 144 Henan Hui adults were 145 - 182 cm,41 - 92 kg,16. 3 - 31. 2 kg/ m2 ,1. 52- 3. 54 kg, - 2. 62 - 0. 12, - 2. 07 - - 0. 34,41 - 65 cm,58 - 93 cm,4. 72 - 8. 16 cm,6. 20 - 9. 68 cm respectively. There were no significant differences in age and BMI between male subjects and female subjects(P &gt; 0. 05),yet the height,body mass,limb bone mass,T value of bone density,Z value of bone density,full arm length full leg length, diameter between internal and external epicondyles of humerus and diameter between internal and external epicondyles of femur of female subjects were less than those of male subjects(P 〈 0. 05). There were no significant differences in the full arm length and diameter between internal and external epicondyles of humerus of male subjects among different age groups(P &gt; 0. 05),while there were significant differences in height,body mass,BMI,T value of bone density,Z value of bone density,full leg length, and diameter between internal and external epicondyles of femur(P 〈 0. 05). There were significant differences in the height, body mass,BMI,limb bone mass,T value of bone density,Z value of bone density,full arm length,full leg length,diameter between internal and external epicondyles of humerus,and diameter between internal and external epicondyles of femur of female subjects among different age groups(P 〈 0. 05). The limb bone mass of males had moderate negative correlation with age(P 〈0. 05),and had moderate positive correlation with height,body mass,BMI,limb bone mass,T value of bone density,Z value of bone density,full leg length,and diameter between internal and external epicondyles of femur(P 〈 0. 05). The limb bone mass of females had moderate negative correlation with age(P 〈 0. 05),and had moderate positive correlation with body mass, BMI,T value of bone density,Z value of bone density and diameter between internal and external epicondyles of humerus(P 〈0. 05). The linear regression analysis equation was:male limb bone mass = 1. 269 + 0. 024 full arm length + 0. 018 ×; diameter between internal and external epicondyles of humerus,male limb bone mass = 1. 462 + 0. 015 full leg length + 0. 013 ×; diameter between internal and external epicondyles of femur;female limb bone mass = 1. 032 + 0. 022 full arm length+ 0. 019 ×; diameter between internal and external epicondyles of humerus,female limb bone mass = 1. 240 + 0. 012 full leg length + 0. 019 ×; diameter between internal and external epicondyles of femur. Conclusion There are significant differences in limb bone mass,bone mineal density and limb length and breadth between male and female and among different ages Hui people in Henan Province. Correlation exists between limb bone mass and age,height,body mass,BMI,bone density,full arm length,full leg length,diameter between internal and external epicondyles of humerus and diameter between internal and external epicondyles of femur.
Chinese General Practice
Bone density
Hui population