茉莉酸是植物体内天然的调节剂,在植物生长发育过程及响应外界环境胁迫方面具有重要的作用。为了分析水稻中茉莉酸的响应基因,设计了Os PDF1.2,Os VSP2,Os JAZ8的定量PCR引物,利用100μmol/L茉莉酸和100μmol/L菲尼酮(内源茉莉酸合成抑制剂)处理的叶片为材料,分析了Os JAZ8,Os PDF1.2,Os VSP2等3个基因对茉莉酸的响应情况。结果表明,Os JAZ8,Os PDF1.2随着茉莉酸处理时间的延长,表达量逐渐升高,随着菲尼酮处理时间的延长,表达量逐渐降低,而Os VSP2则与之相反;Os JAZ8对于茉莉酸的响应较Os PDF1.2,Os VSP2这2个基因更加敏感。据此结果认为,Os JAZ8的表达量可以作为水稻叶片中茉莉酸相对含量的指标。
Jasmonic acid, one of the plant hormones, plays vital roles in plant developments and dealing with biotic and abiotic stresses. To analyze rice marker genes for jasmonic acid, three genes(Os PDF1.2, Os VSP2, Os JAZ8)were selected, and their relative transcription levels were studies by quantitative PCR(q PCR)and semi-quantitative RT-PCR(sq RT-PCR), using rice leaves treated with jasmonic acid or its biosynthesis inhibitor, phenidone as materials. The results of q PCR demonstrated that transcription of Os JAZ8 and Os PDF1.2 were upregulated by jasmonic acid, while they were both downregulated by phenidone. On the contrary, the transcription of Os VSP2 was downregulated by jasmonic acid, and upregulated by phenidone. Transcription of Os JAZ8 was also found more sensitive than Os PDF1.2 and Os VSP2 to jasmonic acid signal. According to the results, the relative transcription levels of Os JAZ8 could be used to indicate relative content of jasmonic acid in rice leaves.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences