为明确春季浇一水稳产6.0 t/hm2冬小麦耗水特性与生育性状,选用衡观35小麦品种,于2013—2014年和2014—2015年小麦生长季节降水量分别为126.0,142.3 mm条件下,在河北低平原缺水区采取大田跟踪对比调查,研究春季水分运筹对冬小麦耗水与生育性状的影响。结果表明,小麦全生育期农田蒸散量419.76~424.29 mm,产量水分利用效率14.58~19.08 kg/(hm2·mm);农田蒸散量较大的时期出现在播种到返青期和拔节到开花期;水分利用效率和农田蒸散量与栽培环境密切相关。受群体影响,同一处理,2 a产量表现有所不同,2014年群体较小,以I0405处理产量较高;2015年群体较大,以I0420处理产量较高。这可为指导小麦春季水氮管理提供理论依据。
To clarify the effect of moisture management in spring on water consumption characteristic and growth traits for winter wheat under 6 000 kg/hm2 grain yield, field experiments were conducted in Gucheng county of Hebei province which were located in the Heilonggang Region, a serous water scarcity area. Precipitation during 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 was 126.0, 142.3 mm, respectively during the wheat growing stage. Hengguan 35 wheat variety was used as meterial. The results showed that, the water consumptions during the two wheat growth periods ranged from 419.76 mm to 424.29 mm, the water use efficiencies ranged from 14.58 kg/(hm2·mm)to19.08 kg/(hm2·mm). The periods of higher water consumption occured from jointing to anthesis stage and then from seeding to regreening stage. Water use efficiency and water consumption amount were closely related with the cultivation environment. Affect by the group, the same treatment, prodution performance was different. In 2014, the population was small, and the yield of I0405 treatment was higher. In 2015, the population was larger, and the yield of I0420 treatment was higher. The above results provided a theoretical basis for moisture management of winter wheat in spring season.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
winter wheat
moisture management
water use efficiency
yield traits