4arbitrae Award, ICSIP Case no. ARB/03/24, para. 176.
5arbitrae Award, ICSIP Case no. ARB/03/24, para. 177.
6IISD Model International Agreement on Investment for Sustainable Development, available at: http ://www. iisd. org/publications/pub, aspx? pno =686.
7Norah Gallagher,Wenhua Shan.Chinese Investment Treaties[M] ,Oxford University Press,2009:10-12.
8CHARE SHINE.Environmental Protection Under the Energy Charter Treaty[M] //Thomas W Waelde.The Energy Charter Treaty:An East-West Gateway for Investment and Trade.Kluwer Law International,1996:520,526-528,536.
9THOMAS W WAELDE.Sustainable Development and the1994 Energy Charter Treaty:Between Pseudo-Action and the Management of Environmental Investment Risk[M].Friedl Weiss.International Economic Law with A Human Face.Kluwer Law International,1998:236,240,241,245.
10SEE ARBITRAL AWARD.ICSID Case no.ARB/03/24,Award of 27 August 2008[EB/OL].[2010-02-04].http://www.encharter.org/index.php?id=213&L=0#Plama.