
WebSocket技术在信息安全系统中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Websocket in Info Sec System
摘要 现有的信息安全系统普遍采用B/S模式的架构,使用安装在用户终端上浏览器作为安全系统客户端。但因操作系统的安全性要求,浏览器无法直接访问用户终端外接的安全认证、安全存储等硬件设备,需要采用浏览器插件等技术实现支持。然而在不同平台下,不同浏览器缺乏统一的插件技术标准,需要针对不同平台、不同浏览器单独开发插件,导致客户端实现的复杂度和工作量极大。通过引入HTML5标准中的Web Socket技术,实现跨平台的Web Socket本地服务,由该服务完成客户端外接硬件的访问,并提供Web Socket接口给浏览器。如此一来,只要浏览器遵循HTML5标准,即可调用本地服务提供的Web Socket接口实现硬件的访问。而且,通过采用基于TLS的安全Web Socket协议,又可保障浏览器与本地服务器之间通信的安全性。因此,在信息安全系统中引入安全Web Socket协议,基于主流浏览器对HTML5标准的支持,可有效提升信息安全系统跨平台、多浏览器的兼容性。 The existing information security system generally adopts the B/S mode architecture,with the browser installed on the user terminal as a security system client. However,due to the security requirements of the operating system,the browser could not directly access the externally- connected security authentication,security storage and other hardware devices by the user terminal,thus it is necessary to use browser plug- in technology and achieve the technical support. Under different platforms,different browsers are in lack of unified plug- in technical standards,it is also required to independently develop plug- ins for different platforms and browsers,thus resulting in the complexity and workload of the client. Through the introduction of Web Socket technology in HTML5 standard,the local service of cross- platform Web Socket is acquired,with the service to complete the client access to externally-connected hardware,and thus providing Web Socket interface for the browser. As a result,so long as the browser follows the HTML5 standard,the local service provided by the Web Socket interface may be called to achieve the access to hardware. In addition,the communication security of between the browser and the local server could be ensured by using the secure Web Socket protocol based on TLS. In view of this,by introducing Web Socket protocol into the information security system and based on the support by mainstream browser to the HTML5 standards,cross- platform,multi- browser compatibility of infosec system could be effectively improved.
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2016年第5期92-94,共3页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
关键词 WEB SOCKET 信息安全系统 HTML5 Web Socket infosec system HTML5
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