
WIFI热点与预共享密钥安全性分析 被引量:4

Security Analysis for WIFI Hotspots and PSK
摘要 本文分析了目前国内WIFI热点设备与预共享密钥的安全情况。首先利用一种已知设备漏洞对国内部分WIFI热点(AP)进行了安全扫描,发现该漏洞虽然已公布了较长时间,但依然存在于众多WIFI热点当中;然后通过扫描获取的PSK进行分析,发现国内WIFI热点中有很大比例采用了安全性较低的预共享密钥(PSK),甚至不采用预共享密钥,此类安全风险不容忽视。建议设备厂商及用户共同提高安全意识,尽快修复相关漏洞并采用高安全级别预共享密钥。 This paper discusses the security level of domestic WIFI APs and their Pre- Shared Keys( PSK). Firstly,with a well-known device vulnerability to scan some domestic WIFI APs and find that although made public for a fairly long time,this vulnerability still exists in many WIFI APs. And the analysis on the scanning indicates a fairly large proportion of WIFI APs adopt a weak PSK or even no PSK,and such security risks cannot be ignored. It is recommended that the equipment manufacturers and users should raise their security awareness,fix the vulnerability and adopt high security- level PSK as soon as possible.
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2016年第5期100-103,共4页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
关键词 无线网络安全 WIFI密码安全 AP安全 网络扫描 安全分析 wireless network security WIFI PSK security AP security network scan security analysis
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