Kohistan Sequence has been considered as island arc formed during the subduction of oceanic lithosphere at the leading edge of northward moving Indian continent.. Sedimentary sequences indicate that formation of the intra\|oceanic Kohistan arc began in early Cretaceous time. The isotopic data demonstrate the involvement of enriched, DUPAL type mantle, suggesting that Kohistan arc was formed at or south of the present equator (Khan et al., 1997). The Intra oceanic phase of Kohistan lasted until sometime between 102 and 85 Ma, when Kohistan collided with Asia. From this time until collision with India about 50 Ma ago, Kohistan existed as Andean\|type margin. This paleomagnetic study is from the volcanic and plutonic rocks exposed in Gupis\|Shamran area (west of Gilgit) in northern part of the Kohistan arc. According to geochronological data these rocks were formed 61~55Ma ago (Treloar et al., 1989), when Kohistan was existing as Andean\|type margin. Seven to nine samples were collected from nine sites of Shamran volcanics (58±1)Ma and from five sites of Pingal, Gupis, and Yasin plutons (Ar\|Ar hornblende ages ranges from 61~52Ma). On the basis of one Rb\|Sr age of (59±2)Ma from these plutons, the above\|mentioned Ar/Ar ages may be regarded as reasonable intrusion ages of these plutons (Searle, 1991).
Kohistan Sequence has been considered as island arc formed during the subduction of oceanic lithosphere at the leading edge of northward moving Indian continent.. Sedimentary sequences indicate that formation of the intra\|oceanic Kohistan arc began in early Cretaceous time. The isotopic data demonstrate the involvement of enriched, DUPAL type mantle, suggesting that Kohistan arc was formed at or south of the present equator (Khan et al., 1997). The Intra oceanic phase of Kohistan lasted until sometime between 102 and 85 Ma, when Kohistan collided with Asia. From this time until collision with India about 50 Ma ago, Kohistan existed as Andean\|type margin. This paleomagnetic study is from the volcanic and plutonic rocks exposed in Gupis\|Shamran area (west of Gilgit) in northern part of the Kohistan arc. According to geochronological data these rocks were formed 61~55Ma ago (Treloar et al., 1989), when Kohistan was existing as Andean\|type margin. Seven to nine samples were collected from nine sites of Shamran volcanics (58±1)Ma and from five sites of Pingal, Gupis, and Yasin plutons (Ar\|Ar hornblende ages ranges from 61~52Ma). On the basis of one Rb\|Sr age of (59±2)Ma from these plutons, the above\|mentioned Ar/Ar ages may be regarded as reasonable intrusion ages of these plutons (Searle, 1991).
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