目的 对比观察阿奇霉素与安美汀对慢性支气管炎急性发作的疗效及其副作用。方法 选择我科住院确诊为慢性支气管炎急性发作且痰菌阳性者 80例 ,随机应用阿奇霉素第一天 5 0 0 mg静滴 ;第二~五天 2 5 0 mg q.d(38例 )或安美汀 1.2静推 b.i.dx 7天 (42例 )单一药物治疗 ,疗程结束观察临床疗效、细菌清除率。结果 应用阿奇霉素治疗 38例 :痊愈 17例 ,显效 7例 ,痊愈率为4 4 .7% (17/ 38)有效率 6 3.2 % (2 4 / 38) ,对致病菌的清除率为 6 8.4 % ;安美汀治疗 4 2例 :痊愈 33例 ,显效 6例 ,痊愈率为 78.6 % (33/4 2 )有效率 92 .9% (33/ 4 2 ) ,对致病菌的清除率为 95 .2 %。两组病人出现不良反应均较少而且轻微 ,多数停药后自行消失。结论 安美汀对慢性支气管炎急性发作有效且安全 ,疗效明显好于阿奇霉素。
Objective To observe the clinical efficacy and tolerability of amoxicillin/clavulanic in acute purulent exacerbation of chronic bronchitis compare with azitthromycin. Methods A randomized trial was conducted in 80 hospitalized patients with acute purulent axacerbation of chronic bronchitis, treated with Azithromycin day 1 500mg i.v. day 2~5 250 mg i.vq.d 4 days(n=38) and amoxicillin/calcvulanic acid 1. 2i. Vqdx 7 days (N 42). Before therapy and 24~48 hours after the end of treatment, sputum culture and drug sensitive tests, chest X rays, routine blood tests were preformed. Results In the azithromycin group the efficacy rate was 63.2% (24/38), microbiological efficacy rate was 68.4%; For the amoxicillin/clavalanic group, it was 92.9% (33/42) and 95.2% respectively. The tolerability was judged good in both treatment groups. Conclusion Amozicillin/clavalanic acid is more efficacious than azithromycin in the treatment of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine