
傣药人面果叶质量标准研究 被引量:2

Study on quality standard of Garcinia xanthochymus leaves of dai medicine
摘要 目的:建立人面果叶药材质量标准,为该药材质量控制提供实验依据。方法:参照《中华人民共和国药典》2015年版附录相关方法,对人面果叶药材进行显微、薄层鉴定,以及水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分及醇溶性浸出物检查,以双黄酮类化合物藤黄双黄酮(fukugetin)、福木苷(fukugiside)、GB1a、GB2a为对照品对该药材进行薄层鉴别。以藤黄双黄酮为指标,通过AlCl3-CH3COONa/CH3COOH显色方法,测定人面果叶总黄酮的含量。采用Agilent C18色谱柱(4.6mm×250mm,5μm),以乙腈-甲醇-甲酸水(0.1%甲酸)为流动相梯度洗脱,建立药材藤黄双黄酮的含量测定方法。结果:对来源于不同省份及季节的44批药材进行检查,水分为3.94%~7.98%,总灰分为2.60%~6.48%,酸不溶灰分为0.26%~0.98%,醇溶性浸出物为17.95%~39.55%。建议规定人面果叶的水分不得超过6.6%,总灰分不得超过6.0%,酸不溶灰分不得超过0.6%,醇溶性浸出物不得少于25%,以干燥品计人面果叶总黄酮含量不得少于3%,藤黄双黄酮含量不少于0.75%。结论:建立的人面果叶质量标准具有很好的专属性和准确性,可用于人面果叶药材的质量控制。 Objective:To establish the quality standard of Garcinia xanthochymus leaves,and to provide experimental basis for quality control of this medicinal material.Methods:Microscopic and TLC identification,tests of water content,total ash,acid-insoluble ash and ethanol-soluble extractives of Garcinia xanthochymus leaves were carried out,taking fukugetin,fukugiside,GB1 a,GB2 a as reference materials for TLC according to the methods recorded in appendix of Pharmacopoeia of People’s Republic of China(2015 edition,volume 1).Taking gamboge bisflavone as index,the total content of flavonoids in Garcinia xanthochymus leaves was determined by AlCl3-CH3 COONa/CH3 COOH colorimetric methods.An Agilent C18 chromatographic column(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm)was used to establish a method for the determination of biflavones in Gamboge by gradient elution with acetonitrile-methanol-formic acid water(0.1%formic acid)as mobile phase.Results:A total of 44 batches of medicinal materials from different provinces and seasons were examined.The water content was 3.94%~7.98%,the total ash content was 2.60%~6.48%,the acid-insoluble ash content was 0.26%~0.98%,and the alcohol-soluble extract content was 17.95%~39.55%.It is suggested that the water content of human flour fruit leaves should not exceed 6.6%,total ash should not exceed 6.0%,acid insoluble ash should not exceed 0.6%,alcohol soluble extract should not be less than 25%,total flavonoid content of human flour fruit leaves should not be less than 3%and gamboge biflavonoid content should not be less than 0.75%.Conclusion:The established quality standard of Garcinia xanthochymus leaves had good specificity and accuracy,which could be used for quality control of Garcinia xanthochymus leaves.
作者 刘慧 赵应红 杨博 龚一轩 李玲 梅之南 杨光忠 陈玉 LIU Hui;ZHAO Ying-hong;YANG Bo;GONG Yi-xuan;LI Ling;MEI Zhi-nan;YANG Guang-zhong;CHEN Yu(College of Chemistry and Materials Science,South-Central University for Nationalities,Wuhan430074,China;EthnicMedicine Research Institute,Yunnan Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture,Jinghong666100,China;WuhanGuanggu New Drug Incubation Public Service Platform,Shanghai New Summit Biopharma Pharmaceutical Group,Wuhan430075,China;College of Pharmacy,South-Central University for Nationalities,Wuhan430074,China;National Demonstration Center for Experimental Ethno Pharmacology Education,South-Central University for Nationalities,Wuhan430074,China详)
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期2762-2766,共5页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.31370379) 国家重大新药创制科技重大专项(No.2017Z09301060)~~
关键词 人面果叶 藤黄双黄酮 含量测定 质量标准 Garcinia xanthochymus leaves Fukugetin Content determination Quality standard
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