Objective To evaluate the quality of life (QoL) of patients with non:functioning pituitary adenoma (NFPA) after systematic treatment. Methods We searched all published articles involving in the QoL of patients with NFPA on line, and analyzed the results by the Revman5.3 software. Results Five studies met the criteria of meta-analysis. The results of meta-analysis wereas follows : Physical function MD = 0. 76,95% CI ( - 4. 13,5.64 ), P = 0. 76 ; Physical prole MD = - 2.05,95% CI ( - 7. 41,3.31 ), P = O. 45 ; Body pain MD = 3.50,95 % CI ( 1.11,5.90 ), P = 0. 004 ; General health MD = -7.19,95%CI ( -12.77, -1.61),P=0.01; Vatility MD = -3.48,95%CI (-7.39,0.43), P= 0. 08 ; Social function MD = - 4. 64,95% CI ( - 6. 99, - 2. 38 ) ,P 〈 0. 000 1 ; Mental health MD = - 0. 05, 95%CI ( -2.30,2.20),P =0.96; Role emotion MD = - 5.08,95% CI (-8.20,-1.91), P = 0. 002. Conclusions This meta-analysisindicated thatthe QoL of patients with NFPA was damaged on the dimensions of general health, social function and role emotion. The dimension of physical painin patients with NFPA was better than that in general population, and there was no difference between other health dimensions.
National Medical Journal of China