
雅安芦山汉墓出土摇钱树座初步研究——再谈摇钱树的整体意义 被引量:7

A Money Tree Stand Unearthed from Han Dynasty Tomb in Lushan: the General Meaning of Money Trees
摘要 雅安芦山东汉晚期墓中出土一件红砂石摇钱树座,其整体作山形,四周满布高浮雕,为目前所见浮雕画像最多、内容最为丰富、雕刻最为精美的摇钱树座。其上画像大致分为三层:底层主要为古代故事,可识者有"季札挂剑"、"力士椎秦"、"高祖斩蛇"等;中层以天门和西王母(以半开门和玉女暗示)为主,还有一幅与神仙思想有关的"刺猿"画像;上层为突出平台与仙人六博。文献中记载的昆仑山正好为三层,其最上一层"悬圃"便是大型平台,该树座应即昆仑山的表现。当时人认为西北方的神山昆仑又正好是宇宙的中心天柱,是升天的中心,天门也在昆仑之上。西王母在东汉以来与昆仑信仰融合,成为昆仑山上拥有仙药、掌管仙籍之神。该树座在总体上即是这种以昆仑、天门、西王母为中心的升仙信仰的反映。而其上所插的铜树,则是结合了早期传说中关于宇宙中心的神山和神树内容,形成昆仑—建木的登天组合。 The red sandstone money tree stand unearthed from a late Eastern Han tomb in Lushan county, Ya'an, Sichuan province is in the shape of a mountain decorated with exquisitely carved high reliefs. The number of reliefs on it exceeds those on other money tree stands ever discovered. The reliefs can be divided into three layers. The bottom layer illustrates scenes from ancient stories. The middle layer shows the celestial gate and West Queen Mother(as indicated by the half-open door and lady) as well as the story scene of "stabbing ape", which is associated with the pursuit of immortality. The upper layer shows two immortals playing the game of liubo on a raised platform. As is written in ancient literature, the Kunlun mountain consists of three layers and on its uppermost layer there is the "hanging garden", which refers to a large platform. Therefore, the money tree stand under discussion is understood as a representation of the Kunlun mountain. In the ancient belief, Kunlun- sacred mountain located in the northwest- is centre of the universe, key way to heaven and where the celestial gate is located. During the Eastern Han, the belief of West Queen Mother was integrated with the Kunlun belief and thus West Queen Mother became an immortal living on the Kunlun mountain and presiding over immortality medicines and registration of immortals. The current money tree stand reflects the immortal belief centring on the Kunlun, celestial gate and West Queen Mother. The accompanying copper money tree, together with the stand, is a representation of the sacred tree and mountain as the centre of the universe in earlier legends, i.e. the Kunlun-Jianmu combination.
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期42-51,共10页 Journal of National Museum of China
基金 2014年度国家社科基金青年项目"考古所见汉代天文材料的整理与研究"(批准号:14CKG016) 2015年四川大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目"学科前沿与交叉创新研究一般项目"(批准号:skqy201532)的阶段性成果之一
关键词 雅安芦山 汉代 摇钱树座 昆仑 建木 Lushan Ya'an Han dynasty money tree stand Kunlun Jianmu
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