
从传教士的来往书信看耶稣会被取缔后的北京法国传教团 被引量:2

The French Mission in Peking after the Suppression of the Society of Jesus:A Study Based on the Correspondences of the Missionaries
摘要 18世纪的耶稣会曾是一个庞大的国际性修会组织,但因其直接服从罗马教廷的领导以及在海外的传教活动广遭诟病,教皇克莱芒十四世在欧洲多国的压力下,被迫于1773年通过敕书"吾主救世主"宣布取缔了有两百多年历史的耶稣会。这一事件使得原本在华就存在利益纷争的葡萄牙和罗马传信部开始觊觎和染指北京法国传教团的财产。法国在京前耶稣会士和法国国王及大臣们突破各种阻力,共同展开了一场持续了整十年、跨越两大洲的保卫战。在他们的不懈努力下,教廷传信部最终于1783年同意将北京法国传教团交由遣使会接管。1814年,教皇庇护七世重建耶稣会,1842年,耶稣会士重返中国,但北京地区仍由遣使会负责。 In the 18th century, the Society of Jesus developed into an enormous international religious order. Unfortunately in 1773, over 200 years since its foundation, it was suppressed by Pope Clrment XIV by the promulgation of the papal brief-Dominus ac Redemptor after encountering much criticism for its submission to the leadership of the Roman Curia and the missionary work it carried out overseas. The incident prompted the Portuguese and the Roman Congregations for the Propagation of the Faith who had long-standing conflicting interests in China to grab the property used to belong to the French mission in Peking. To protect them from being snatched by other countries, the former members of the Jesuits in conjunction with the French Emperor and some ministers started a hard-won battle over the ownership of these properties that took over a decade and engaged stakeholders across two continents. Thanks to their consistent efforts, the Roman Congregations for the Propagation of the Faith eventually approved in 1783 that the French mission in Peking should be taken over by the French Congregation of the Mission (Lazarists). In 1814, the Society of Jesus was reinstated by Pie VII and in 1842 members of the Society was dispatched back to China and the Mission of Peking has remained the responsibility of the French Congregation of the Mission ever since.
作者 吕颖
出处 《清史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期87-98,共12页 The Qing History Journal
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  • 1埃德蒙·帕里斯著,张茄萍译:《耶稣会士秘史》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1990年.
  • 2彼得·克劳斯·哈特曼著,谷裕译:《耶稣会简史》,北京:宗教文化出版社,2003年.
  • 3樊国梁.《燕京开教略》(中篇),救世堂印,1905年版.第81页.
  • 4孟德卫著,陈怡译:《奇异的国度:耶稣会适应政策及汉学的起源》,郑州:大象出版社,2010年.
  • 5荣振华著,耿舁译:《在华耶稣会士列传及书目补编》,北京:中华书局,1995,第287-288,546页.
  • 6卫青心:《法国对华传教政策》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2003年.
  • 7徐宗泽《中国天主教传教史概论》,上海:上海世纪出版集团,2010年,第194页.
  • 8Cordier, Henri. La suppression de la Compagnie de Jésus et la mission de Peking. T' oung Pao, Second S6ries, Vol. 17, 1916 (3).
  • 9Cordier, Henri. La suppression de la Compagnie de j6sus et la mission de Peking (Suite). T' oung Pao, Second S6ries, Vol. 17, 1916 (4/5).
  • 10Cordier, Henri. Les Correspondants de Bertin, Secretaire d' 6tat au XVIIIe sibcle. T' oung Pao, Second S6ries, Vol. 14, 1913 (2).












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