
女性生育力保存新进展 被引量:1

New progress of female fertility preservation
摘要 目的女性生育力整体呈下降趋势,在影响了女性生殖健康的同时,也严重影响了生活质量。生殖健康和生育力保存日渐成为社会关注的焦点。生育力保存手术日渐被妇科肿瘤患者接受,胚胎冷冻、卵母细胞冷冻和卵巢组织冷冻方法的不断改善为生育力保存提供了可行的方法。未成熟卵母细胞体外成熟、卵巢体外激活技术及干细胞技术的探索为生育力保存提供了更宽广的思路。本文将从女性生育力的影响因素、生育力保存技术的适应征及其生育力保存的主要方法与进展作一述评。 The current female fertility declined on the whole,and this trend affected women's reproductive health and the quality of life at the same time.Reproductive health and fertility preservation is increasingly becoming the focus of social attention.Fertility-sparing surgery is accepted by more and more gynecology tumor patients.Improvement of embryo,oocyte and ovarian tissue cryopreservation provides feasible methods for fertility preservation.And the exploration in vitro maturation,in vitro activation and stem cell technology provide broader thinking for fertility preservation.This article is a review about the influence factors of female fertility,indications for fertility preservation technology and the main method and progress of fertility preservation.
作者 李尚为
出处 《西部医学》 2016年第5期593-597,605,共6页 Medical Journal of West China
基金 国家自然科学基金(31171442)
关键词 生育力保存 女性 生育力保存手术 深低温保存 述评 Fertility preservation Female Fertility-sparing surgery Cryopreservation Review
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