
持续围产期运动指导对孕期运动依从性及体质量的影响 被引量:11

The influence on pregnancy exercise compliance and body weight by sustained perinatal exercise guidance
摘要 目的:探讨持续围产期运动指导对孕期运动依从性及体质量的影响,为孕产妇围产期合理控制体质量提供一定的借鉴。方法:选取2012年3月-2015年3月我院分娩的围产期孕妇168例为研究对象,随机等分为观察组与对照组,对照组采取围产期常规护理保健模式;观察组在对照组的基础上进行持续围产期运动指导,观察两组孕期运动依从性、孕期体质量、新生儿体质量及妊娠并发症的情况。结果:观察组孕妇孕期运动依从性高于对照组,产妇体质量及新生儿体质量低于对照组,产妇贫血发生率、羊水过少发生率及产后出血发生率低于对照组(P〈0.05),差异具有统计学意义。结论:实施围产期持续运动指导可提高孕妇运动依从性,控制孕期体质量增长及新生儿体质量,同时可减少妊娠并发症,从而保证产妇及新生儿的健康。 Objective: To explore the influence on pregnancy exercise compliance and body weight by sustained perinatal exercise guidance,provide reference to puerpera for reasonably controlling body weight in perinatal period. Methods: Selected 168 cases of puerpera in perinatal period in our hospital from March,2012 to March,2015 as research objects,divided them into observation group and control group at random. The control group applied routine nursing health care mode in perinatal period while observation group had sustained perinatal exercise guidance basing on the control group. The pregnancy exercise compliance and body weight,newborn body weight,pregnancy complications of two groups were observed. Results: Pregnancy exercise compliance in observation group was higher than control group,the pregnancy body weight,newborn body weight in observation group were lower than control group. The incidence of anemia,the incidence of oligohydramnios and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage in observation group were lower than control group( P〈0. 05). The difference was of statistic significance. Conclusion: The implementation of sustained perinatal exercise guidance could improve the puerpera exercise compliance,control pregnancy body weight and newborn body weight. At the same time,the pregnancycomplications could be reduced to make sure the health of puerpera and newborn.
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2016年第8期59-61,共3页 Nursing Practice and Research
关键词 围产期 运动指导 运动依从性 体质量 Perinatal Exercise guidance Exercise compliance Body weight
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