

Diabetic Scleredema: A Case Report and Literature Review
摘要 糖尿病性硬肿病是一种临床上较为少见的结缔组织疾病,主要累及患者的上背部、颈部及肩部,发病机制尚不明确,且缺乏有效的临床治疗方案。本文报道了1例糖尿病性硬肿病患者的临床诊治经过,先在控制血糖的基础上短暂应用阿维A和卤米松等药物,但病情无明显改善;后患者积极控制血糖和体质量,8个月后病情明显缓解。提示糖尿病性硬肿病的临床治疗仍以控制血糖、改善代谢为主,治疗过程较长,针对皮肤病变本身的干预并非缓解疾病的必须措施。 Diabetic scleredema is a rare connective tissue disease with unknown pathogeny,characterized by thickening of derma in the upper back,neck and shoulders of patients with DM. There is a lack of effective therapies for the disease. The paper reported the treatment process of a case of diabetic scleredema. The patient was shortly treated by acitretin A and halometasone based on blood glucose control,but there was no obvious improvement in disease condition; then,the patient actively controlled blood glucose and body weight and saw marked remission 8 months later. We suggest that the clinical treatment of diabetic scleredema should still focus on blood glucose control and improving metabolism; the treatment course is long,and the intervention on skin lesion is not a must.
作者 亓涛 徐云生
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第13期1610-1612,共3页 Chinese General Practice
关键词 糖尿病并发症 结缔组织疾病 Diabetes complications Connective tissue diseases
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