
捐赠者会关心非营利组织的运作效率吗?——来自中国基金会的经验证据 被引量:10

Do Donors Care about the Operational Efficiency of Nonprofits?——Empirical Evidence from Top 500 Chinese Nonprofit Foundations
摘要 随着监管机构的信息披露,非营利组织的运作过程已引起捐赠主体的广泛关注,但其运作效率是否影响其捐赠决策并未得到充分的解释。为此,本研究以2013年净资产排名前500位的中国慈善基金会为样本,运用其2012—2013年的数据,验证了非营利组织运作效率对社会捐赠收入的综合影响。研究结果表明:衡量公益效率的捐赠价格和筹资效率的单位捐赠收入的募捐费用对社会捐赠收入存在显著负面影响,但在西方发达国家样本中存在的非营利组织管理效率负向影响社会捐赠收入的结论并未得到证实。同时,本研究还揭示了政府补贴、商业化投资等筹资方式对社会捐赠收入的挤出效应。本研究立足于中国的现实情境与慈善组织运作实践,证实了非营利组织运作无效率是捐赠决策中主体最为关心的信息要素,这对于非营利组织规范活动流程、提高公益效率、实现可持续发展具有重要的参考价值。 With the information disclosures of the watchdog agencies,the operating process of the nonprofit organization has been increasingly paid wide attentions by the resource providers,while there is not enough explanation to whether operational efficiency impacts donation decisions.This paper adopts a sample of top 500 philanthropic foundations based on net asset in 2013,collects the corresponding data from 2012 to 2013to examine how efficient nonprofit organizations are in raising funds from private giving.The findings suggest that both the donation price measuring cause efficiency and the donation cost measuring fundraising efficiency play a significantly negative role in private donations,but the negative effect of management efficiency existing in western counties has not been tested.Meanwhile,the analysis reveals the crowding-out effects of government grants and commercial investment on donation revenue.Based on Chinese context and charitable practice,the paper verifies that operational inefficiency is one of the most important information elements indonation decision,which contributes to standardizing activity processes,improving cause efficiency and realizing sustainable development.
出处 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期115-126,171-172,共12页 Journal of China University of Geosciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"社会公众集群捐赠行为涌现的动力机制及过程研究"(71572185) 国家自然科学基金项目"非营利组织中个人捐赠者信任受损的动态过程 作用机制及仿真"(71202050) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目中国地质大学(武汉)摇篮计划"网络性群体事件中政府公信力变化的演化机理"(CUGW150402)
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