在好氧、厌氧、厌氧/好氧条件下,采用活性污泥法降解染料分散大红S-BWFL。实验结果表明分散大红S-BWFL在厌氧条件下降解效率最高,厌氧/好氧交替条件次之,好氧条件下降解效率最低。进水染料浓度100 mg/L时,染料12 h去除率最高为94.45%;随着染料浓度的增加,微生物对染料的降解效率逐渐下降,进水染料浓度500 mg/L时,染料12 h去除率最高为75.03%;分散大红S-BWFL降解最佳初始p H为8。GC-MS测得分散大红S-BWFL生物降解中间产物有对硝基苯胺、邻苯二甲酸单(2-乙基己基)酯和对硝基苯甲醚。
The biodegradation characters of an azo disperse dye, Disperse Red S-BWFL, was investigated in the activated sludge system under the conditions of aerobic, anaerobic and anaerobic/aerobic separately, and the biodegradation process of the dye was conjectured. The results showed that Disperse Red S-BWFL got the highest biodegradation rate under anaerobic condition while the lowest under aerobic condition and anaerobic/aerobic condition in between. 96.6 % COD removal rate was achieved within 12 h at aerobic, 100 mg dye L-1, and 75.03 % when it went to 500 mg/L. It also proved that the increasing of Disperse Red S-BWFL concentration declined the dye bio-removal rate and the optimal initial p H was at 8. By the spectrophotometry and GC-MS analysis, it showed that the luminous group of Disperse Red S-BWFL was biodegraded completely and the intermediate products of the dye were phthalic acid, mono-(2-ethylhexyl) ester, p-nitroaniline and 4-nitroanisole.
Guangdong Chemical Industry