
光纤激光器光谱合束技术综述 被引量:6

Review on spectral beam combining of fiber lasers
摘要 对实现高功率、高光束质量输出的光纤激光器光谱合束技术进行了综述。针对体布拉格光栅合束和多层介质膜光栅合束两种技术方案进行介绍,从合束原理、高功率窄线宽光纤激光器单元、光栅器件以及合束方案等方面进行分析。同时,针对近年来国内外在光纤激光光谱合束技术领域的发展也进行了归纳性的介绍。 The technology on spectral beam combining of fiber lasers to achieve high power laser output and high beam quality is reviewed and illustrated.Two ways of spectral beam combing including volume Bragg grating combining and multilayer dielectric grating combining are introduced.The principle of spectral beam combining,high power narrow bandwidth fiber lasers,grating components and the schemes of beam combining are analyzed.Furthermore,the developments of spectral beam combining of fiber lasers at home and abroad are summarized as well.
出处 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期517-521,共5页 Laser & Infrared
关键词 光纤激光器 光谱合束 体布拉格光栅 多层介质膜光栅 fiber laser spectral beam combining volume Bragg grating multilayer dielectric grating combining
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