20052326 Cai Fenliang (Shaanxi Geological Survey, Xi’an 710054); Yao Tie Mineralization and Ore Prospecting Indicators in the Upper Reaches of the Yeerqiang River in Western Kunlun Mountains, Xinjiang (Geology of Shaanxi, ISSN1001-6996, CN61-1150/P, 22(2), 2004, p.53-61, 69, 4 tables, 3 refs.) Key words: geochemical exploration, metallogenic regularity, ore guide prospecting, Kunlun Mountains, Xinjiang Based on regional geochemical information at 1∶500 000, the ore-bearing properties of the dominant strata and intrusive rocks in the upper reaches of the Yeerqiang River at the western Kunlun Mountains, Xinjiang, have been researched; the amount of source materials of ore-forming elements has been prognosticated; indicators for prospecting copper, nickel, lead, zinc, silver, gold, mercury, tungsten, tin, rare and rare-earth and radioactive metals have been discussed. 20052327 Gao Fei (Liaoning Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration, Shenyang 110121, China) Application of Quantitative Interpretation in Magnetic Anomaly Analysis: A Case Study of the C6 Magnetic Anomaly in Daban Gold Field, Liaoning