20111077 Chang Miman(Laboratory of Evolutionary Systematics of Vertebrates,Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100044,China);Wang Ning Discovery of Cyclurus(Amiinae,Amiidae,Amiiformes,Pisces)from China(Vertebrata Palasiatica,ISSN1000-3118,CN11-1905/Q,48(2),2010,p.85-100,6 illus.,1 table,52 refs.)Key words:Amiiformes,Hunan Province Described in this paper is a new amiine,Cyclurus orientalis,collected from the early to middle Eocene Xiawanpu Formation of Xiawanpu,Xiangxiang City,Hunan Province,China.It is unquestionably an amiine because of the diplospondylous vertebrae of both the normal and alternating types in its preural caudal region,the one-to-one fusion between the ural centra,except the first one,and the hypurals,the absence of the urodermals in the caudal skeleton,and the long dorsal fin.It is referred to Cyclurus because its first coronoid carries teeth with rounded tops.It is different from other species of Cyclurus in having fewer