提出一种圆筒形永磁波动发电装置,该发电装置线圈匝数为400匝,振动幅度为-50-50 mm,振动周期为2 s时,输出最大开路电压为25.162 V,最大输出功率为15.4664 W,该装置采用径向充磁的扇形磁瓦构成的环形永磁体作为定子,永磁体内、外两侧分别设置两组线圈绕组。阐述圆筒形永磁波动发电装置工作原理,对永磁体建立数学模型。采用有限元法分析了发电装置的三维磁场分布和内外侧线圈输出电压波形;通过仿真计算确定线圈位置、间距、匝数等参数;装置的实验测试结果与仿真计算结果一致。
A cylindrical ocean-wave type permanent magnet power generation device was presented in this paper, it adopted the radial magnetic tile made of annular permanent magnet magnetization sector as the sta- tor. The two groups of wires were winded both inside and outside of the annular permanent magnet to form inner coil and outer coil, respectively. The working and the mathematical model of magnetization annular principle of the power generation device was expounded permanent magnet spring was built. The magnetic field distribution of the designed generator and the output voltage waveforms of the outside coils and inside coils were imulated by using finite element method (FEM). Through position, spacing, turns and other parameters. The results of the simulation calculation to determine the coil experiment are consistent with the results of the simulation. The maximum open circuit vohage is 25. 162V, and the maximum output power of the device is 15. 4664W with the coil number of turns to 400 turns , the amplitude from-50mm to 50mm and the vibration period of time 2S.
wave energy
permanent magnet
radial magnetizing
induction electromotive force