

Modulation Roles of Nicotine via GSK-3 and Akt in γ Oscillations
摘要 目的:探讨尼古丁调节海马7网络振荡的机制。方法:健康雄性Wistar大鼠,取其脑组织制备海马脑片,制备好的海马脑片放入恒温(30~32℃)界面浴槽式灌流系统孵育。灌流液是充有混合气体(95%O2+5%C02)的人工脑脊液(pH:7.35~7.50,流速2~3mL/min)。孵育1h后,采用细胞外微电极方式记录。应用红藻氨酸激动剂(Kainate)对大鼠海马脑片灌流,诱导7(20~60Hz)网络振荡。分组加入mTOR(Mammaliantargetofrapamycin)激酶阻断剂雷帕霉素,糖原合成酶激酶-3(Glycogen synthase kinase3,GSK-3)阻断剂SB415286,蛋白激酶B阻断剂Triciribine,待γ网络振荡稳定后再加入尼古丁,观察三者对尼古丁增强7网络振荡作用的影响。结果:雷帕霉素不能阻断尼古丁增强7网络振荡的效应,SB415286和Triciribine能阻断尼古丁的效应。结论:尼古丁可能通过激活糖原合成酶激酶-3(GSK-3)和蛋白激酶B(protein kinase B,Akt)来增强7网络振荡。 Objective:To investigate the mechanism of nicotinic modulation inγnetwork oscillations.Methods:The hippocampal slices had been prepared from male Wistar rats,and then had been incubated in temperature-controlled(30~32℃)interface-style bath perfusion system.The perfusion solution had been ACSF(pH:7.35~7.5with a flow rate of 2~3mL/min)filled with the mixed gas(95% O2+5% CO2).Extracellular microelectrode recording had been made after one-hour incubation.Kainic acid agonist(Kainate)had been used to induceγ(20~60Hz)oscillations.Rapamyein of the mTOR kinase antagonist,SB415286 of the GSK-3antagonist and Triciribine of the Akt antagonist had been used to observe effects of the above 3antagonists on nicotinic modulation inγnetwork oscillations.Results:Rapamyein couldn't block the enhancement ofγ oscillations induced by nicotine,but SB415286 and Triciribine could.Conclusion:GSK-3and Akt can be involved in modulation roles of nicotine inγoscillations.
机构地区 长江大学医学院
出处 《长江大学学报(自科版)(下旬)》 2016年第6期1-5,共5页 Journal of Yangtze University
关键词 γ网络振荡 尼古丁 雷帕霉素 SB415286 Triciribine γ oscillations nicotinic rapamyein SB415286 triciribine
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