导读 近年来甲状腺癌发病率呈现急速上升的态势,新发病例中微小癌的比例明显提高,除遗传及环境因素影响外,还主要与超声、MRI和PET/CT等影像检查的发展和应用有关。过去单一的外科治疗被认为是甲状腺癌的主要治疗手段,而如今其诊治已演变为涉及外科、内分泌科、核医学科、病理科、影像科以及流行病学等多学科参与的疾病。不仅治疗方式上趋向以外科为主同时联合放射性碘消融和激素抑制治疗,而且在整个诊断、治疗、并发症处理和康复等过程中均涉及多种学科的参与和配合。
INTRODUCTION Thyroid cancer has generated considerable interest, debate and development of several guidelines around the world since the incidence of thyroid cancer is rapidly arising all over the world. This could be primarily related to inciden- tal finding of small thyroid cancers. The incidence of thyroid cancer has almost quadrupled in the U. S. Approximately 8,000 new patients with thyroid cancer were seen in 1975 while today we see ap- proximately 66, 000 new patients with thyroid cancer and the number continues to rise continu- ously. This rise has been extremely evident in Ko- rea over the last 10 years with the routine use ofultrasound of the neck.
Journal of Cancer Control And Treatment