
浅议翻转课堂的内涵及特征 被引量:1

A Brief Discussion on the Connotation and Features of Flipped Classroom
摘要 翻转课堂作为一种全新的教学模式,起源于美国。它以"掌握学习"为理论基础,以教学流程的再造为突破,实现了传统"课上传授+课后作业"向"课前传授+课上内化"的教学模式的翻转。翻转课堂正是借助于教育技术和参与式的课堂活动,改变了传统的学习环境,使学习者真正成为了学习的主人。"翻转课堂"自提出以来受到了社会的广泛关注,并在全世界范围内掀起了一股教育改革的浪潮。 As a brand new teaching model, flipped classroom originated from America. After its emergence, it took up wide attention of the society and started a trend of education reform worldwide. With "mastery of learning" as the theoretical basis and the reconstruction of teaching procedure as the breakthrough,it realizes the flipping from the traditional "in-class instruction +after-class assignment" to the teaching model of "pre-class instruction + in-class internalization". By means of education technology and participation-based classroom activities, flipped classroom changes the traditional learning environment, making learners the real masters of learning.
出处 《科教文汇》 2016年第15期37-38,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 翻转课堂 内涵 特征 flipped classroom connotation features
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