

Studies on chromazurol S-copper-phenanthroline complex toward recognition of pyrophosphate
摘要 铜离子与邻二氮菲、铬天青S能形成一种简单的化学传感体系,该体系在生理条件下对水溶液中焦磷酸根(PPi)的识别具有很好的选择性,PPi的加入会引起溶液颜色的变化(由蓝到黄),其他阴离子(F^-,Cl^-,Br^-,I^-,HSO_4^-,SO_4^(2-),Ac O^-,CO_3^(2-),C_2O_4^(2-),H_2PO_4^-,HPO_4^(2-),PO_4^(3-))的过量存在对PPi的识别基本无干扰。该体系在波长613 nm处的吸光度变化与PPi浓度在0~40μmol/L区间呈现良好的线性关系(r=0.994 3),检出限为1.69μmol/L,表明该体系可用于检测微量PPi。 A colorimetric chemosensing ensemble was prepared by simply mixing copper ion,phenanthroline with chromazurol S in water solution. The ensemble showed highly selective recognition to pyrophosphate( PPi) under physiological condition. Addition of PPi induced a noticeable color change from blue to yellow. Other anions such as F^-,Cl^-,Br^-,I^-,HSO_4^-,SO_4^(2-),Ac O^-,CO_3^(2-),C_2O_4^(2-),H_2PO_4^-,HPO_4^(2-),PO_4^(3-)do not produce significant influence on PPi recognition process. The absorbance change at613 nm exhibited a good linear relationship with PPi concentration in the range of 0 ~ 40 μmol/L( r =0. 994 3). The detection limit of the ensemble to PPi was 1. 69 μmol/L,and suggesting that could be used in the detection of micromolar PPi.
作者 岳攀 扶雄辉
机构地区 暨南大学化学系
出处 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期978-981,共4页 Applied Chemical Industry
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(21614334)
关键词 阴离子识别 指示剂置换 化学传感体系 焦磷酸根 anion recognition indicator displacement assay chemosensing ensemble pyrophosphate
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