宇文氏是魏晋时期东部鲜卑的重要一支,因史料缺乏,其早期的部落起源与发展进程存在诸多疑点。根据对庾信《周上柱国齐王宪神道碑》的考察,宇文部在西晋太康初期(280 283)东迁进入辽西以前,曾长期与拓跋部共居于内蒙古阴山草原地区,为其隶属下的部落。西晋太康初期方趁着力微死后诸部离叛的大动乱,脱离拓跋部的羁绊,东迁进入辽西地区。宇文部为隶属于拓跋鲜卑的草原部落,拓跋部及慕容部又为隶属于檀石槐集团下的鲜卑部落,此后宇文部东迁进入辽西地区不到一个世纪的时间里,又为慕容部所吞并,再历经半个世纪,慕容氏连同此前就进入其政权下的宇文部又为拓跋鲜卑所并。宇文氏与拓跋及慕容鲜卑之间纷繁交错的关系,是魏晋南北朝时期北方民族、部族之间最终走向兼并融合的一个较典型个案。
The Yuwen family was an important tribe of the Eastern Xianbei nationality,and there exists much doubt on its early origin and development owing to the lack of historical materials.According to Yu Xin's'Gravestone of Qi Wangxian,the Supreme Pillar of State of Zhou,'the Yuwen family had long lived with the Tuoba tribe in the Yinshan Prairie of Inner Mongolia as an affiliated tribe,until they disengaged under the cover of great upheaval that many tribes rebelled after Liwei's death,and migrated eastward into Western Liaoning Province during A.D.280~283.The Yuwen tribe was a tribe affiliated with the the Tuoba tribe on the steppe,and the Tuoba and Murong tribes are the Xianbei tribes affiliated with the group ruled by Tanshihuai.Within less than a century after they entered Western Liaoning,the Yuwen family was annexed by the Murong family;and half a century later,the Murong tribe was again annexed by the Tuoba tribe together with the appurtenant Yuwen family.The complicated relationship among the Yuwen family,the Tuoba tribe and the Murong tribe was a rather typical case that the northern nationalities and tribes in the Wei,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties eventually led to merger.
Literature,History,and Philosophy