

On “Music from Guangling Has Two Music Scores in the World”
摘要 唐宋文献中存有两条《广陵散》流传谱系,其一为包含"止息"段的三十六段《广陵止息谱》,其二为不含"止息"段的《广陵散》。宋代以后《广陵止息谱》与《聂政刺韩王曲》等融合发展成为《神奇秘谱》四十五段《广陵散》。而不含"止息"段《广陵散》,则演进为明末潞王朱常淓于《古音正宗》琴谱中刊印的九段《广陵散》减字谱。根据文献推断,"潞本"九段《广陵散》最初流传时间不晚于唐代,其减字谱的成谱,最初或与唐代琴家陈康士相关。其后潞本九段《广陵散》与神本四十五段《广陵散》开始了事实上的"二谱"并行流传时代。 Music from Guangling had two widely spreading music scores in the Tang and the Song Dynasties' literature. One was the 36- passage version of Zhixi Music Score from Guangling with Zhixi included,the other was the Music from Guangling with Zhixi excluded. After the Song Dynasty,both Zhixi Music Score from Guangling and Nie Zheng Killing of Emperor Han Music integrated and developed into the Magical and Secret Music Scores,in which the 45- passage version of Music from Guangling appeared. The Music from Guangling with Zhixi excluded had evolved into the 9- passage word- subtracted version of Music from Guangling,appearing in the Authentically Old Music printed by Zhu Changfang,the Lu King in the late Ming Dynasty. Inferred from the literature,the earliest spreading time of the 9- passage version of Music from Guangling should be no later from the Tang Dynasty. The complete word- subtracted music score was probably related to Chen Kangshi,the music master of the Tang Dynasty. From then on,the 9- passage version of Music from Guangling and the 45- passage version of Music from Guangling marked the beginning of the paralleling and the spreading times with the two music scores in reality.
作者 彭岩
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期156-161,共6页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 2014年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(14YJA760022)
关键词 广陵散 神奇秘谱 古音正宗 嵇康 Music from Guangling Magical and Secret Music Score Authentically Old Music Ji Kang
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