
孤独症儿童对限制性兴趣刺激的视觉注意:一项眼动研究 被引量:11

Autistic Children's Visual Attention to Circumscribed Interests: Evidence from an Eye-Tracking Study
摘要 本研究采用眼动追踪技术,通过自由观看任务向24名孤独症儿童和22名正常发育的儿童呈现图片材料,考察孤独症个体对社会性、限制性兴趣和非限制性兴趣三类刺激的视觉注意模式。结果发现,与正常儿童相比,孤独症个体对社会性刺激存在注意缺陷,但是孤独症个体对限制性兴趣领域内刺激的视觉注意模式与正常儿童类似且存在注意偏好。限制性兴趣刺激在视觉注意方面的特殊作用对孤独症患者有效的临床干预与教育提供了重要启示。 This study,by using the eye-tracking technique and the free-watching task and showing pictures to 24 autistic children and 21 typically developing children,aims to explore autistic children's visual attention to social,circumscribed,and non-circumscribed stimuli. The results showed that compared with the typically developing children,the autistic children showed deficiency in attention to social stimuli,but they showed visual attention to circumscribed stimuli similar to that of the typically developing children,as well as a preference for visual fixation of circumscribed stimuli. The special role of the autistic children's circumscribed stimuli in visual attention offers important implications for effective clinical interventions in autistic children.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期29-34,28,共7页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 孤独症儿童 限制性兴趣 视觉注意 眼动 child with autism circumscribed interest visual attention eye-tracking
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