
经典世界的心学化解读——以王阳明龙场悟道与《五经臆说》的撰写为中心 被引量:6

Interpreting Classics according to Mind:Focusing on Wang Yangming's Longchang Enlightenment and His Wujing Yishuo
摘要 龙场大彻大悟后,王阳明遂默记《五经》以求相互印证,这可视为一种以个人体悟与"圣言量"互察互照,即主观和客观相互勘验以求自我定位的重要方法,它代表了经典世界与心性世界在价值论上的契合,体现了经典心学化解读的历史发展新趋势。《五经臆说》成于龙场悟道之后不久,暗含有强烈的政治关怀。而阳明反复强调的"《六经》即心之纪籍"、"《六经》即心之常道"、"尊经即是尊道",则体现了一个时代学术思想的脉律跳动,反映了心学运动解经典范的重新建立。直到晚近,这一心学思想仍发出极大的声光回响,成为人类寻找安身立命之道必须时时回顾的重要精神经验和思想传统。 After his sudden enlightenment at Long Chang, Wang Yangming transcribed his memory of The Five Classics in order to check whether his understanding and what was contained in The Five Classics were in agreement with each other. This can be regarded as an important approach to a just self evaluation:making one's personal understanding and the words of the sages mirror each other. Such a method can also be seen as a way to check the subjective against the objective and vice versa. Wang's approach to the classics indicated an agreement in values between the world described by the classics and a person's inner world and opened a new chapter in interpreting the classics according to one's mind. Because of his enlightenment, his important work Wujing yishuo 五经臆说(Opinions on The Five Classics)soon came into being. Although in this book he showed a strong political care, what he emphasized repeatedly was the following: The Six Classics were a true record of human mind; The Six Classics were the embodiment of the innate principles in human mind;and following the classics was to follow the principles. All this displayed the scholarly dynamics of a particular age, showing how the paradigm of interpreting the classics according to one's mind was restored. Until the modern times, Wang's philosophy of mind was still very influential and thus forms an important philosophical experience and tradition to which we can resort when we seek for the approach to a principled life.
作者 张新民
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期30-43,共14页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科重大项目"阳明文化与现代国家治理研究"(14@ZH054)成果
关键词 王阳明 龙场悟道 《五经臆说》 经典解读 心学思想 Wang Yangming Long Chang enlightenment Wujing Yishuo philosophy of mind
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  • 2乌以凤辑录.《问学私记》引马一浮语.《马一浮集》(第3册),笫1138页.
  • 3以上均见王畿.《性命合一说》,《王畿集》,吴震编校整理,南京.凤凰出版社,2007年,第188页.
  • 4蔡方鹿,付春.王阳明经学思想新探[J].江汉论坛,2009(6):10-14. 被引量:6
  • 5孙应奎.《刻阳明先生传习录序》,《传习录》,蔡汝南校刻本,又收入《王阳明全集》(下册·卷四十一·序说),第1586页.
  • 6朱熹.《中庸章句》,《四书章句集注》(第1册),陈立校点,沈阳.辽宁教育出版社,1998年,第22-23页.
  • 7王畿.《刑部陕西司员外郎特诏进阶朝列大夫致仕绪山钱君行状》,《王畿集》(卷二十),第585页.
  • 8王畿.《明儒经翼题辞》,《王畿集》(卷十五),吴震编校整理,南京.凤凰出版社,2007年,第421页.
  • 9钱德洪.《年谱》“正德三年戊辰春”条,《王阳明全集》(下册·卷三十三·年谱一),第1228页.
  • 10邵廷采.《思复堂文集》(卷一·明儒王子阳明先生传),《绍兴先正遗书》本.


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  • 2李明友.“得鱼而忘筌,醪尽而糟粕弃之”——再论王阳明的经学观[J].中共宁波市委党校学报,2006,28(3):106-107. 被引量:3
  • 3《王阳明全集》卷1,《传习录上》.上海古籍出版社,1992年版,第7-8,9,14-15,9页.
  • 4《王阳明全集》卷7,《别张常甫序》.上海古籍出版社,1992年版,第230,230-231页.
  • 5《王阳明全集》卷7,《别三子序》.上海古籍出版社,1992年版,第226页.
  • 6《王阳明全集》卷7,《稽山书院尊经阁记》.上海古籍出版社,1992年版,第254-255,254页.
  • 7《王阳明全集》卷6,《答季明德》.上海古籍出版社,1992年版,第214页.
  • 8《河南程氏遗书》卷6.程颢,程颐.《二程集》.中华书局,1981年版,第95页.
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  • 10章权才著.《朱明经学史》.广东人民出版社,1999年版,第295页.











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