
宣肺止嗽合剂辅助治疗小儿支气管炎的疗效观察及分析 被引量:14

Observation and analysis of curative effect of the child bronchitis by adjuvant treatment of Xuanfeizhisou mixture
摘要 目的观察中成药宣肺止嗽合剂治疗小儿支气管炎的临床疗效及安全性。方法将120例小儿支气管炎患儿随机分成观察组62例和对照组58例,两组患儿均给予降温、抗感染、雾化吸入化痰等常规治疗。观察组在常规治疗的基础上给予宣肺止嗽合剂口服,对照组不给予任何止咳化痰药口服,两组均治疗7 d。观察两组患儿的总有效率和体温、咳嗽、支气管杂音消失及胸片恢复正常的时间。结果观察组的总有效率为90.3%,对照组的总有效率为79.3%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组咳嗽、支气管杂音消失及胸片恢复正常的时间早于对照组(P<0.05)。结论宣肺止嗽合剂辅助治疗小儿支气管炎疗效确切,缩短了病程,有效促进了小儿支气管炎的临床恢复。 Objective To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of Xuanfeizhisou mixture in the treatment of infantile bronchitis. Methods 120 cases of children with infantile bronchitis were randomly divided into observation group of 58 cases and control group of 62 cases, two groups of children were all given cooling, anti-infection, atomization inhalation phlegm and other conventional treatment. Observation group on the basis of routine therapy for releasing lungs stop mixture of oral, did not offer any cough expectorant medicine oral control group, two groups of treatment of 7. Two groups of children were ob- served with total effective rate and body temperature, cough, bronchial murmurs disappeared and the sternum back to normal time. Results Total effective rate of observation group was 90. 3% total effective rate of control group was 79. 3%, the difference between two groups had statistical significance (P〈0. 05). Observation group cough, bronchial murmurs disap- peared and the sternum back to normal time was earlier than the control group (P〈0.05). Conclusion The adjuvant treatment of Xuanfeizhisou mixture in infantile bronchitis curative effect, which would shorten the course of the disease, and effectively promot the infantile bronchitis clinical recovery.
作者 叶再青
出处 《药学实践杂志》 CAS 2016年第3期275-277,共3页 Journal of Pharmaceutical Practice
关键词 小儿支气管炎 宣肺止嗽合剂 辅助治疗 疗效观察 infantile bronchitis Xuanfeizhisou mixture adjuvant therapy clinical observation on
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