Eight patients with 11 of carotidophthalmic aneurysms (CophAAs) werereported, their averaged age was 43 yea-rs old, 6 patients female, large and gi-ant types of CophAAS in 6 cases. Subar-achnoid hemorrhage was primary manif-estation, visual deficits appeared only in3 patients. Angiography, CT scan andMRI were major diagnostic means forthe patients. All patients underwent mi-crosurgical operations, including aneury-sm neck clipping in 6, aneurysm resec-tion 1, gradual internal carotid occlusion1, aneurysm trapping with intra andextracranial artery bypass 1, aneurysmwrapping 1. One case (having no sym-ptoms) with small aneurysm was notoperated. All the surgical operations we-re successful. Follow-up for a period of1-6 years (mean 3.5 years) was carried out with excellent in 6 cases, good 2.It was suggested that during the opera-tion, uses of brain protection agent, tem-porary carotid occlusion, removal ofanterior clinoid process and partial opticcanal would benefit for aneurysm clipping.
Chinese Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases