目的:探讨急性冷暴露后肺组织超微结构变化以及对水通道蛋白-1(AQP-1)和AQP-5表达的影响。方法:12只健康雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为室温(23℃±2℃)对照组和-25℃2 h冷暴露组(n=6);记录冷暴露后大鼠直肠温度;透射电镜观察肺组织超微结构改变;RT-PCR法和Western blot法测定大鼠肺组织AQP-1和AQP-5基因和蛋白的表达水平。结果:急性冷暴露后大鼠的体心温度与对照组相比,明显降低(P<0.05);肺组织超微结构亦发生改变,基底膜明显增厚,肺泡I上皮细胞(AT-I)核固缩,肺泡II上皮细胞(AT-II)胞浆空泡化增多;冷暴露后大鼠肺组织AQP-1的基因和蛋白表达未见明显变化,AQP-5的基因和蛋白表达均显著降低(P<0.05)。结论:急性冷暴露肺组织AQP-5基因和蛋白表达降低与寒冷暴露引发肺组织结构损伤可能存在一定因果关系。
Objective: To study the effect of acute cold exposure on the expression of aquaporin-1(AQP-1) and AQP-5 in lung tissues and the changes of ultrastructural pathological changes after cold exposure in rats. Methods: Twelve male Wistar rats were randomly divided into control group(23 ± 2) ℃ and cold(-25℃) exposure group,the exposure time was 2 h. Rectal temperatures of the rats were measured immediately after cold exposure. The ultrastructural pathological changes of pulmonary tissue were observed by transmission electronic microscope. The m RNA expression of AQP-1 and AQP-5 was measured by RT-PCR. The protein expression of AQP-1 and AQP-5 was measured by Western blot. Results: The body core temperatures(28. 07 ± 4. 15) ℃ of the cold exposure group were decreased significantly compared with the control group(37. 33 ± 0. 25) ℃( P 0. 05). In acute cold exposure group,the main pathological changes of pulmonary ulstructure included pulmoary epithelial basement membrane thickening,and karyopyknosis of AT-I cells,and vacuolization on the cytoplasm of( AT-II) cells. After acute cold exposure,the levels of both m RNA and potein expressions of AQP-5 were decreased significantly( P 0. 05) compared with those in the control group. while AQP-1 expression level showed no statistical significance between control group and cold exposure group. Conclusion: There might be some cause and effect relationship between lung tissue damage by cold exposure and the levels of m RNA and potein expressions of AQP-5 decreased after acute cold exposure.
Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology