

Review on the Secondary Metabolites from Sporormiella sp.
摘要 荚孢腔属(Sporormiella)真菌,属于座囊菌纲格孢腔菌目荚孢腔菌科(Sporormiaceae),种类较多,目前已收载了87种。研究发现,该属真菌的次生代谢产物资源丰富,迄今已报道的新化合物就有近50个,包括生物碱及含氮类、聚酮类、萜及甾体等化合物,其中已发现一些结构新颖、生物活性独特的化合物,为药物的研发提供了潜在的先导化合物,具有很好的研究价值。然而,目前对该属真菌的次生代谢产物研究的报道还较少,为使该属真菌资源能引起人们的关注和更多认识,本文对荚孢腔属真菌次生代谢产物的化学结构及其生物活性的研究进展进行了较为全面的综述。 SporormieUa fungi are classified in the kingdom Fungi, phylum Aseomyeota, subphylum Ascomycotina, class Dothidemycetes, order Pleosporales, family Sporormiaceae. At present, there are 87 species in the genus of Sporormiella. The present study demonstrated that the secondary metabolites of Sporormiella are rich. Nearly 50 new compounds had been reported up to now, which belonged to alkaloids, polyketides, terpenoids, steroids, etc. Furthermore, some compounds possessed novel structure and special biological activities. These secondary metabolites are very valuable for further research and may be identified as potential lead compounds for drug development. This study reviewed the structure and biological activity of Sporormiella fungi secondary metabolites.
出处 《天然产物研究与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期810-819,共10页 Natural Product Research and Development
基金 广东省科技计划(2014A070713031) 广东省科技计划(2014A020210018)
关键词 荚孢腔属真菌 次生代谢产物 化学成分 研究进展 SporormieUa sp. secondary metabolites chemical constituent review
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