
一种改进的树型网络拓扑结构可视建模 被引量:1

A Modified Method of Tree Network Topology Visualization Model
摘要 分析了树型结构布局的算法思路,给出了如何将辅助决策因素与传统的布局算法相结合的解决方法,并研究了基于链路脆弱度的树型结构可视模型,给出了建模思路及建模步骤。最后,给出了演示与验证示例。 The algorithm with the tree network topological structure layout is analyzed. The method which solves how to combine traditional layout drawing with the factors of assistant decision-making is given,then the drawing method of tree structure visualization model based on link fragility is researched. Then,the thought and constructing step of the model are given. At last,the concrete example is provided.
出处 《电子信息对抗技术》 2016年第3期75-78,共4页 Electronic Information Warfare Technology
关键词 树型网络拓扑结构 可视化 辅助决策 tree network topological structure visual assistant decision-making
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