目的了解影响农村孕产妇卫生保健的因素,为制定干预措施降低我市孕产妇死亡率提供依据。方法对洛阳市152所乡镇卫生院孕产妇系统管理及转诊情况等进行调查,查看孕产妇保健手册登记内容,检查乡、村两级妇幼保健医生的孕产妇系统管理卡、册,特别是死亡孕产妇的保健情况,分析孕产妇死亡监测资料。结果洛阳市152所乡镇卫生院孕产妇年检人数(95 731±11 560)人,孕产妇年龄19-42岁;农村孕产妇死亡人数为66例,孕产妇死亡地点在县医院及乡卫生院占77.27%(51/66);家中和途中占22.73%(15/66例);洛阳市农村孕产妇死亡率2011年至2014年在逐渐增高,均高于洛阳市区的孕产妇死亡率。孕产妇文化程度、家庭环境、孕期保健的重视程度与孕产妇死亡率有关。结论应加强农村孕产妇的系统管理,提高住院分娩率,畅通危急孕产妇抢救网络,有效降低高危因素,降低孕产妇死亡率和围产儿死亡率。
Objective To understand the various factors effecting the rural maternal health care in order to strengthen the management of rural pregnant women and provide the interventions to reduce maternal mortality. Methods 152 township hospitals were investigated by maternal health care management system, which included to check the manual content of maternal health care registration and the two level of township and village health center maternal and child health care registration, especially the case of death. Results There was annual number (95 731 ±1 1 560)of pregnant women who were 19 to 42 years old in 152 township hospital of Luoyang city.The rural maternal death were 66 cases died in county hospitals and township health hospital (77.27%,5 1 /66)and death in home or on the way (22.73%,15 /66).The rural maternal mortality rate was increased in Luoyang from 201 1 to 2014,and it was higher than that in city.The level of maternal education,family economy condition and prenatal care were relative to rural maternal death. Conclusion There should be strengthened the system management of rural pregnant women,increase the rate of hospital delivery in rural areas and improve the emergency maternal rescue network to effectively reduce maternal mortality rate and perinatal mortality rate.
Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology:Medical Science
pregnant women
maternal health care management system
mortality rate
township health center