本文对37例神经外科疾病患者进行了血浆Von Willebrand facton(VWf∶Ag)含量测定。结果发现27例中枢神经系统肿瘤患者术前血浆VWf∶Ag值极显著低于正常组;术后1天血浆VWf∶Ag超过正常,术后1周恢复到正常范围;4例脑(脊髓)血管畸形,动脉瘤患者血浆VWf∶Ag值极显著低于正常组;2例高血压脑出血患者术前血浆VWf∶Ag值明显升高,其中1例术后随着病情改善逐步下降;4例中重型颅脑损伤患者血浆VWf∶Ag值显著升高。提出VWf∶Ag含量高低对神经外科疾病病情判断和预后转归有临床价值,同时对其可能发生机制进行初步探讨。
Plasma von Willebrand factor(vWf:Ag) levels were investigated in 37 casesof neurosurgical diseases. The levels in27 patients with central nervous system(CNS) tumor were significantly decreas-ed before the operation. However the le-vels were higher than the normal controlson the first day after the operation andreturned to normal one week later. Theplasma vWf: Ag levels in 4 cases ofAVM or aneurysm were remarkably lo-wer, but the ones in 4 cases of seriouscraniocerebral injury much higher thannormal controls. Two patients with cere-bral hemorrhage due to hypertension showthe levels of vWf: Ag increas and thelevels of one patients decreased graduallyas the disease was improved after theoperation. The results suggest that thechange of plasma vWf: Ag is valuab1e toestimate the circumstance and prognosisof neurosurgical diseases. The underlyingmechanism has been discussed also.
Chinese Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases