目的 了解和评估我国ICU患者家属睡眠障碍的现状,并分析其影响因素,为临床护理工作者采取干预措施降低我国ICU患者家属睡眠障碍提供参考依据。方法 采用便利抽样法抽取杭州市3所三甲医院的183名ICU患者家属,采用自行设计的一般情况调查表、匹兹堡睡眠指数(PSQI)、疾病不确定感家属量表(MUIS-FM)和贝克焦虑量表(BAI)对ICU家属进行问卷调查,对研究对象的一般资料进行统计描述,采用单因素分析、Pearson相关和逐步多元回归分析进行统计分析。结果 ICU患者家属PSQI总分为(12.56±5.52)分,MUIS-FM总分为(85.29±13.80)分,BAI总分为(50.39±8.48)分。Pearson相关分析显示,ICU患者家属睡眠状况与焦虑、疾病不确定感呈正相关,MUIS-FM总分与PSQI及其各维度得分的相关系数范围为0.112~0.328;BAI总分与PSQI及其各维度得分的相关系数范围为0.115~0.285;逐步多元回归分析显示,患者是否插管、付费方式、家属的文化程度、职业、疾病不确定感和焦虑水平是ICU患者家属睡眠障碍的主影响因素,共可以解释ICU患者家属睡眠障碍42.8%的变异量。结论 临床护理工作者应更加关注ICU患者家属睡眠障碍,及时对ICU患者家属的睡眠障碍程度进行评估,对睡眠障碍严重者,可以通过采取针对性的干预措施,降低ICU患者家属的疾病不确定感和焦虑水平,以对其睡眠障碍进行改善。
Objective To investigate the present situation level and influence factors of sleep disorders among the families of ICU patients, and provided a reference basis for clinical nurses to take targeted intervention to reduce the sleep disor- ders in families of ICU patients. Methods A total of 183 families of ICU patients were recruited from three first-class hospitals in Hangzhou by convenience sampling method. They were investigated with a self-designed information question- naire, pittsburgh sleep quality index, mishel uncertainty in illness scale-family and beck anxiety inventory of ICU families. Mean, standard deviation and percentage were used for statistical description in general data of ICU families. The influence factors of sleep disorders among the relatives of ICU patients were analyzed using multiple stepwise regression analysis. Results The total score of pittsburgh sleep quality index among the families of ICU patients was 12.56 ± 5.52, the total score of mishel uncertainty in illness scale-family among the families of ICU patients was 85.29 ± 13.80,the total score of beck anxiety inventory among the families of ICU patients was 50.39 ± 8.48. Pearson correlation analysis showed that pittsburgh sleep quality index among the families of ICU patients has a positive correlate between mishel uncertainty in ill- ness scale-family and beck anxiety inventory, the correlation coefficient between pittsburgh sleep quality index and mishel uncertainty in illness range from 0.112 to 0. 328, the correlation coefficient between pittsburgh sleep quality index and beck anxiety inventory range from 0.115 to 0.285, Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the ICU patients' intu- bation or not, payment method, families of ICU patients' education degree, occupation, level of uncertainty in illness and level of anxiety were influence factors of sleep disorders among the families of ICU patients, totally explained 42.8 % vari- ance sleep disorders among the families of ICU patients. Conclusion Clinical nurses should pay more attention to the sleep disorders among the families of ICU patients, reduce level of uncertainty in illness and level of anxiety may promote the level of sleep disorders among the famihes of ICU patients.
Chinese Journal of General Practice