目的分析2013年"农村义务教育学生营养改善计划"(以下简称"学生营养改善计划")地区营养改善措施,为更好地推广农村学生营养改善工作提供依据。方法 699个实施"学生营养改善计划"的国家试点县均为常规监测县,从中分片抽取50个县(每个试点省1-3个县)作为重点监测县;按照分层随机抽样的原则,每个县分别从学校食堂供餐、企业(单位)供餐和混合供餐等3种供餐模式抽取20%-30%的小学和初中作为监测学校。采用"县基本情况调查表"和"学校调查表"收集县和学校的基本信息、补助金额、经费使用方式以及执行"营养改善计划"过程中存的困难等。结果2013年"学生营养改善计划"供餐模式以学校食堂供餐(45.1%)和企业供餐(48.8%)为主,学校食堂供餐多采用"免费提供一顿饭"的方式(68.5%),企业供餐多采用"课间加餐"(99.9%)的方式。食品安全(70.6%)和学校食堂建设(68.5%)是"学生营养改善计划"实施的过程中各监测县面临的主要问题。除"学生营养改善计划"外,有12.1%的监测学校开展了地方营养改善,主要形式为"营养知识的宣传教育"(87.7%)。结论 "学生营养改善计划"主要为"免费供餐"或"课间加餐";试点县面临存在食品安全、食堂建设等问题,应进一步加强对试点县科学合理供餐指导。
Objective To analyze nutrition improvement measures of Nutrition Improvement Programme for Rural Compulsory Education Students( NNIPRCS) in 2013, and to provide theoretical basis for the implementation of students' nutrition improvement. Methods 50 focus of surveillance counties were selected by province( 1-3 counties each province) from 699 routine of surveillance counties of NNIPRCS; According to a random sampling principle, 20%-30% elementary and junior high school were selected randomly by three food supply modes( school-,company- and family- based) from 699 counties. County Investigation Questionnaire and School Investigation Questionnaire were delivered to collect counties' and schools' basic information, subsidy amount and the usage of fund, and problems encountered in the implementation of NNIPRCS. Results The majority of feeding mode of NNIPRCS in 2013 was school-food supply( 45.1%) and company-food supply( 48.8%).To provide students with a free meal was common method of school-based food supply( 68.5%), and to provide students with a recess meal during morning break was the most common method of company-based food supply( 99.9%). The foremost difficult was focus on food safety( 70.6%) and canteen building( 68.5%), in the implementation of NNIPRCS. Besides NNIPRCS, about 12.1% of surveillance schools implemented local nutrition improvement measures, mainly as nutrition education( 87.7%). Conclusion Free meal and recess meal are two main methods of NNIPRCS. Facing difficulty of food safety and canteen building, surveillance counties should be offered more rational feeding guide to improve NNIPRCS.
Chinese Journal of School Health
Nutrition policy
Organization and administration
Rural population