
银屑病甲的研究进展 被引量:4

Update on nail psoriasis
摘要 银屑病是一种常见的易复发的慢性炎症性皮肤病,约50%的患者会出现甲改变.在关节性银屑病中,银屑病甲的发病率高达80.5%,给患者带来负担,如手指功能障碍、心理压力、社交障碍等.若银屑病患者既有甲损害又有皮肤损害,诊断较容易,但5%~ 10%的患者仅有甲改变,临床容易误诊为甲癣、甲扁平苔藓、甲营养不良等.银屑病甲的治疗较困难,需长期治疗且疗效不理想.银屑病甲的治疗可选用传统疗法或新型生物制剂疗法.银屑病甲治疗目的是减轻疼痛、减少功能障碍、缓解情绪. Psoriasis is a common chronic recurrent inflammatory skin disease,and nail involvement occurs in about 50% of patients with it.Among patients with psoriatic arthritis,the incidence of nail psoriasis is as high as 80.5%,and it may bring burdens to patients by causing compromised digital function,mental stress,social communication disorders,and so on.Nail psoriasis is easy to diagnose when skin involvement exists.However,it is the only presentation in 5%-10% of patients with psoriasis,and is usually misdiagnosed as onychomycosis,nail lichen planus,onychodystrophy,etc.The treatment of nail psoriasis is often difficult with unsatisfactory efficacy,and long-term treatment is usually required.Traditional therapies or new biological agents can be used to treat nail psoriasis.The goal of its treatment is to relieve pain,restore function,and modulate emotion.
出处 《国际皮肤性病学杂志》 2016年第3期156-159,共4页 International Journal of Dermatology and Venereology
关键词 银屑病 指(趾)甲 治疗应用 注射 激光 生物制剂 Psoriasis Nails Therapeutic uses Injections Lasers Biological agents
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