随着电子技术、传感器技术、计算机视觉技术以及信息处理技术的飞速发展,医用机器人的研究和应用取得了长足进展,已经成为智能机器人一个重要的发展分支。该文以Derwent Innovations Index(DII)数据库为数据源,对全球医用机器人领域相关技术专利进行了统计分析,揭示了该领域专利技术的研发和竞争态势。
With the rapid development of technologies in electronics, sensor, computervision and information processing fields, the applications and research of medical robot have achieved great progress. Medical robot becomes an important branch of the intelligent robot. The patent's number of medical robot has gained sustained rapid growth in recent years. Based on the patent data source from ISI Derwent Innovations Index, this report provides a patent analysis on international medical robot, and reveals global research and development trend in medical robot patent technology with the help of TDA and other tools.
Science Focus