目的了解儿童家长对预防接种规范化门诊服务的满意度,为提高预防接种服务质量提供参考。方法以当前中国社区卫生/全科医学服务病人满意度测量工具为模板,设计儿童家长调查问卷,2014年2月至6月,在北京市西城(南)区8家预防接种规范化门诊选择1 000位儿童家长,时北京市西城(南)区的预防接种规范化门诊的服务满意度进行评价。结果儿童家长对预防接种规范化门诊整体服务、卫生环境和门诊时间"满意"和"非常满意"的分别占93.3%(914/980)、86.8%(851/980)和75.6%(741/980);不同性别、年龄、文化程度、与儿童的关系及户籍的儿童家长对预防接种规范化门诊总满意率比较差异均有统计学意义(x^2值分别为68.523、70.303、29.790、51.719、9.367,均P<0.05);经Logistic多因素分析结果显示:家长性别、门诊环境、解释知情同意书、询问儿童健康状况、医生接受咨询时的态度、儿童未留观30分钟医生是否劝阻以及询问接种后状况7个因素是影响家长对接种门诊满意度的因素(x^2值分别为21.042、18.544、8.830、11.529、32.720、13.650、5.038,均P<0.1)。结论儿童家长对北京市西城(南)区预防接种规范化门诊总体服务满意度较高,尤其是在接种前和接种后的告知方面;但仍存在需要改善卫生服务质量和水平的环节。门诊整体环境和人性化的卫生服务是影响总满意度的最主要因素。
Objective To get to know parents' satisfaction of standardized outpatient vaccination service so as to provide a reference for the improvement of vaccination services. Methods Questionnaires were designed for parents by using current Chinese Community Health/ General Practice Patient Satisfaction Measurement Tool as its model. From February to June in 2014, a total of 1 000 parents were selected at 8 standardized vaccination outpatient clinics in the southern pan of Xicheng District of Beijing. All those parents were surveyed and asked to evaluate the vaccination services provided by these clinics. Results Parents' satisfaction rate and highly satisfactory rate towards the overall service, hygienic conditions and consulting hour of the standardized vaccination outpatient clinic was 93.3% (914/980), 86.8% (851/980) and 75.6% (741/980), respectively. Statistically significant differences were identified in the overall satisfaction rate towards standardized vaccination outpatient clinic among parents of different genders, age, education levels, relations to the children and household registration (X2 value was 68. 523, 70. 303, 29. 790, 51. 719 and 9. 367, respectively, all P 〈 0. 05 ). Logistic multivariate analysis showed that seven factors attected parents' satisfaction towards vaccination services, which were parents' gender, clinical environment, explanations for informed consent, inquiry about children' s health conditions, doctors' attitude during consultation, doctors' discouraging children from leaving without staying for observations for 30 minutes, and doctors ' follow-up inquiry about patients ' conditions after vaccination (X2 value was 21. 042, 18. 544, 8. 830, 11. 529, 32. 720, 13. 650 and 5. 038, respectively, all P 〈 0.1 ). Conclusion Parents show relatively high satisfaction towards the overall services provided by the standardized vaccination outpatient clinics in the southern part of Xicheng District of Beijing, especially in the notification service provided by those clinics before and after vaccination. However, as for the quality and level of health services, there is still room for improvement. The overall clinical environment and patientfriendly health service are the main factors that affect the overall satisfaction rate.
Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
standardized outpatient clinic
satisfaction degree