目的探讨尿激酶联合序贯抗凝治疗次大面积肺栓塞的临床疗效。方法于2013年1月~2015年12月,我院选取100例次大面积肺栓塞患者作为此次研究的对象,采取抛掷硬币的随机分组方法将100例患者均分为对照组、观察组,每组50例。对照组给予低分子肝素钙治疗,观察组给予小剂量的尿激酶联合序贯抗凝治疗。对比两组的临床总有效率,及两组治疗前后的SPAP、Pa O2、Pa CO2。结果观察组的临床总有效率为96%,明显高于对照组的80%(P〈0.05)。与治疗前相比,两组治疗后的SPAP、Pa O2、Pa CO2均明显改善(P〈0.05),但治疗后观察组的各项指标较之对照组均明显更优(均P〈0.05)。结论在次大面积肺栓塞的临床治疗中,给予患者尿激酶联合序贯抗凝治疗具有显著的临床疗效,可有效降低患者的肺动脉压。
Objective To explore the clinical effect of submassive pulmonary embolism by urokinase and sequential anticoagulant therapy. Methods From January 2013 to December 2015,100 cases patients with submassive pulmonary embolism in our hospital were selected as the research object,the 100 patients were evenly divided into the control group and the observation group by taking the toss a coin randomized methods,there was 50 cases in each group.The control group was given low molecular heparin calcium treatment,the observation group was given small dose of urokinase and sequential anticoagulant therapy.The clinical total effective rate of two groups were compared,and SPAP,Pa O2,Pa CO2 of two groups were compared before and after treatment. Results The clinical total effective rate of the observation group was 96%,was significantly higher than 80% in the control group(P0.05).Compared with before treatment,SPAP,Pa O2,Pa CO2 of two groups significantly improved after treatment(P 0.05),but the indicators of the observation group were significantly better than those of the control group after treatment(all P0.05). Conclusion In clinical treatment of submassive pulmonary embolism,giving urokinase combined with sequential anticoagulant therapy has significant clinical curative effect,can effectively reduce the pulmonary artery pressure of patients.
China Modern Medicine
Submassive pulmonary embolism
Sequential anticoagulant therapy