

Suiyuan Newspapers and Journals and KMT Local Factions from 1927 to 1937
摘要 1927年至1937年是国民党在大陆执政的"黄金十年",也是绥远地区新闻事业快速发展的十年。这一时期,国民党绥远党报和政府机关报是当地报刊的主体,共有报纸八九种,刊物二三十种。这些报刊是国民党绥远省党政部门的宣传工具,也是不同派系之间甚至是同一派系内部的斗争工具,是国民党地方派系的争夺对象。这些报刊内部矛盾重重,同一报刊的不同版面观点相左,几份党报之间互相攻击,党政报刊不能协调配合。究其原因,国民党不同派系的政治人物都认识到了报刊在舆论斗争中的作用,争相把报刊作为捞取政治资本、争取舆论支持的工具。体现于国民党党政报刊中的种种矛盾,是国民党绥远地区党政矛盾以及地方与中央矛盾的缩影。由国民党绥远地区党政报刊的混乱状况可以看出,这一时期国民党中央对地方党部以及地方党部对党报,都存在领导不力的问题。 The decade from 1927 to 1937 is the golden years for Kuomintang ruling on the mainland, but also the rapid development of journalism in Suiyuan district. During this period, the KMT Suiyuan Party newspapers and the newspapers of local government bodies are the main parts in local press, including eight or nine kinds of newspapers and twenty or thirty journals. These newspapers are both propaganda tools for KMT Suiyuan provincial parties as well as government departments and struggle tools among different factions, even in the same internal faction. Consequently, these newspapers and journals become objects that the KMT local factions compete for . There are various contradictions in these newspapers internally, and the opposite views appear on different layouts in the same newspaper. They attack each other among several party newspapers, the press can not be reconciled with the party and government. The reason for this result is that KMT politicians in different factions have recognized the role of the press in public opinion struggle, and are eager to gain political capital and get political public opinion from the newspapers and journals. The various conflicts reflected in the Kuomintang Party newspapers and journals are the miniatures between local and central and are the contradictions in KMT local party and government. As can be seen from the chaos of the Kuomintang Party and government newspapers in Suiyuan area, there exists the problem of poor leadership during this period, which include KMD Central Committee to local parties and local parties to party newspapers.
作者 张丽萍
出处 《新闻春秋》 2016年第2期32-36,共5页 Journalism Evolution
基金 2012年度国家社科基金项目《民国时期内蒙古地区国共两党报刊研究》(项目批准号:12XXW001) 2015年度国家社科基金重大项目《百年中国新闻史史料整理与研究》(项目批准号:15ZDB140)的中期成果
关键词 绥远 党报 国民党 地方派系 Suiyuan, party newspapers, Kuomintang, local factions
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