Objective To analyze the current status of medical institution setting in Shenzhen, and provide policy recommendations for the medi- cal institution planning in Shenzhen. Methods Descriptive analysis, equity evaluation, balance analysis, forecast of health care resource need (demand) and etc. were used to evaluate current status and future development of the medical institution setting in Shenzhen. Results In recent five years, the growth of the number of hospital beds had reached 35.90%, the Gini coefficient of hospital beds based on the distribution of permanent resident population was 0. 33, health resource density index (HRDI) of hospital beds was 6. 69, the utilization rate of hospital beds was 85.3%, and the demand number of hospital beds will be 44940 in 2020. Conclusions The medical institution should be planned to set pos- itively, speed up the supply and development of health care resource. When developing the plan, what should pay attention to balance regional layout, improve the hierarchy and structure of medical institution setting, Emphasize the setting of specialized medical institutions, proactively encoura,,e social medical and develop health industry.
Soft Science of Health
medical institution setting, fairness, balance, health service needs, Shenzhen