Tax can have direct and indirect effect on residents' consumption.The tax system is classified according to the burden of the taxpayer. Based on the empirical test on co-integration and error correction model of the data of residents' consumption rate and residents' tax burden over the period of 1996-2014,we find that the average income growth rate of residents and the tax average rate of consumption have a negative effect on residents' consumption rate in the long run, but in the short term, only the average tax rate of consumption has a strong negative effect on residents' consumption rate. Whether long or short the tax average rate of residents' income have no significant impact on the consumption of the residents. Therefore, residents' consumption must be increased by improving the tax burden on high-income earner and strengthen the income distribution function of the tax. The specific measures include: through reducing the proportion of indirect tax, increasing the proportion of direct tax, adjusting the scope of consumption tax.
Journal of Hunan Business College