
数字化口腔修复(9)——以修复为导向的种植导板CAD(附病例报告) 被引量:3

Digital restorative dentistry and prosthodontics(9)——CAD of prosthetic-driven implant guide(case report)
摘要 目的:利用计算机辅助设计软件EXOCAD和Segma impland guide完成右下后牙区牙支持式种植导板设计。方法:临床病例为46、47拔除6月的患者,制取印模和摄取CBCT片后,采用软件EXOCAD,并结合软件Segma impland guide完成种植导板的设计。结果:将CBCT数据与虚拟模型数据结合,利用种植导板软件,完美地设计出46、47虚拟种植导板。结论:数字化种植导板的CAD软件使"以修复为导向的种植学"成为现实,其具有可视化和精确化的优点,且便于口腔医师、技师和患者之间的交流。 Objective:To finish the design of tooth-support type of implant guide in mandibular right side tooth area by computer aided design with software of EXOCAD and Segma impland guide). Method:Clinical Case was a patient whose 46,47 were removed after six months. After clinical examination carefully,the impression was made and image was shot with CBCT. Then,the design of implant guide was completed by using the software of EXOCAD combining with one of Segma impland guide. Result:The virtual impland guide in 46,47 teeth position were worked out ideally by taking advantage of implant guide software,which was integrated data of CBCT with one of virtual model. Conclusion:Prosthetic-driven implant dentistry had become reality because of application of CAD software in digital implant guide,which had the advantage of visualization,precision,and easy communication among dentist,technician,and patient.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2016年第5期309-311,共3页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
关键词 计算机辅助设计 种植 导板 Computer aided design Implant Guide
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