
离散论视角下来华女传教士的天路历程——基于《异邦客》的文本研究 被引量:5

The Exile: A Presbyterian Missionary Woman's Experience in China from a Perspective of Diaspora
摘要 "离散"是全球化时代的重要理论,既指对历史上以犹太人为代表的被迫在故土之外寻求生存的散居族群以及相关的社会/人类学研究,也指在对这些散居族群研究基础上形成的以强调杂糅文化身份和超越逻辑为特点的文化理论体系。离散论极大地拓展了妇女研究的领域、史料来源和方法论。作为一本女性离散者传记,赛珍珠的《异邦客》典型地再现了一位来华美国女传教士在跨国空间中与故土文化、宿主文化、职业、信仰博弈却最终客死异乡的生命史,揭示了女性离散者身处的文化困境和离散状态中男权体制的进一步加强。离散视角下的文本分析演示了新兴的跨国女性研究的方法与理路。 "Diaspora" is an important concept in globalization studies that has three dimensions: firstly, the dispersed communities repre- sented by the Jews and Armenians; secondly, sociological and anthropological studies of such exilic groups; and thirdly, cultural studies that stress hybrid identities, cultural translation and transcendental logic. The concept Diaspora can widen the field, sources and methodology of women studies. The Nobel Prize winner, Pearl S. Buck's biography of her missionary mother, The Exile, classically il- lustrates the history of a woman in the western missionary diaspora in China, her negotiation between the cultures of both her homeland and her host country, her dilemma between her calling and androcentrism prevelant in her diaspora. Textual analysis of The Exile from a perspective of diaspora contributes to an emerging field of transnational women's studies.
作者 朱骅
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期92-100,共9页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
基金 上海市教育科学课题"大学通识教育课程‘文学与人生’的设置与开展"(项目编号:B14027)的阶段性成果 上海海洋大学"对分课堂(PAD)模式下的人文素质类课程群教学团队建设"阶段性成果
关键词 离散 赛珍珠 《异邦客》 女传教士 天定齐家 Diaspora Pearl S. Buck The Exile woman missionary Manifest Domesticity
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