桩柱间距的大小直接关系到入射波对桩柱的作用力及对平台或上部结构的上托力。基于FLOW-3D建立三维数值波浪水槽,通过试验验证数值模型的准确性,研究4种波况下,桩柱间距L对作用在上游桩柱和下游桩柱波浪荷载的影响。结果表明:由于桩柱的相互影响,作用在两桩柱上顺向波浪荷载和横向波浪荷载均不同于孤立桩柱情形,群桩系数KG与桩柱间距L有密切关系,对于顺向群桩系数KGx,当桩柱间距L与其直径D的比值小于1.0时,上游桩柱顺向群桩系数KGxu〈1.0,下游桩柱顺向群桩系数KG xd〉1.0,两桩柱的横向群桩系数KG y可达3.0~4.0。随着间距的增加,KG xu逐渐增大、KG xd逐渐减小、KG y大幅减小。当L/D〉4.0时,基本可以忽略两桩柱的相互影响。
The spacing between piles is directly related to the incident wave force on piles and the drag force on the platform or the upper structure.A three-dimensional numerical wave flume was developed based on software FLOW-3D,and an experimental investigation was carried out firstly to confirm the efficiency and accuracy of the numerical simulation,and then the influence of spacing L on the wave force on both upstream and downstream piles was numerically studied.The results indicate that both forces on upstream plies parallel to the wave direction and perpendicular to the wave direction are different from the case of isolated pile because of the interaction of the piles,and the grouping effect coefficient KGis closely related to the spacing L.For grouping effect coefficient parallel to the wave direction,when the two plies are in small spacing,the upstream plie KG xu1.0,and the downstream plie KG xd1. 0,and the grouping effect coefficient KG yperpendicular to the wave direction can reach 3. 0 ~ 4. 0. With the increase in the spacing between the piles,KG xuincreases gradually,whereas KG xuand KG ydecrease.The interaction of piles can be neglected when the ratio of spacing L to the pile diameter D reaches 4. 0.
Port & Waterway Engineering
group piles
spacing between piles
wave force
grouping effect coefficient