

The Domain Independence of Time Discounting: Money Vs Environment
摘要 考察了大学生的环保态度是否存在金钱-环境可替换性效应,及其在金钱与环境领域之间的时间折扣率是否存在差异.结果显示:大学生环保态度存在金钱-环境可替换效应;大学生在环境领域中的时间折扣率显著高于金钱领域;收益情境下的时间折扣领域差异比损失情境下的领域差异更为显著.分析认为大学生在面临环境问题时更倾向于采取支付金钱的方式去保护环境;相对于金钱事件,大学生更关注环境事件的当前结果而非长远结果;收益情境下,被试的时间折扣率对领域变化更敏感. A survey is conducted to collect information about whether there is money-environment substitution effect in college students' attitude to environmental protection and the domain difference of discounting rate of money and the environment. Results shows that the money-environment substitution effect does exist in college students' attitude to environmental protection, and the environmental outcomes are discounted significantly faster than monetary results; moreover, the difference of discounting rate of monetary and environmental fields in a profitable scenario is more significant than that in a loss-generating scenario. In conclusion, college students are more inclined to pay money to protect their environment;compared with monetary affairs, they pay more attention to the present outcome instead of the long-term consequences of environmental events; the discounting rate of participants is more sensitive to the change of domain in a profitable scenario than that in a loss-generating scenario.
出处 《石家庄学院学报》 2016年第3期143-147,共5页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金(11YJA190012) 国家留学基金(201408440183)
关键词 大学生 环保态度 金钱-环境可替换效应 时间折扣率 领域差异 college student environmental-protection attitude money-environment substitution effect discounting rate domain difference
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